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Memoirs Books 

The specialists in autobiographies, memoirs and life stories.

“Can I publish my book”? Yes, you can!

You may have spent years wondering “How can I publish my memoirs?”. You may have heard horror stories about promising authors being rejected by agents or publishers. Or having to compromise their vision to pander to the mass market. 


At Memoirs Books, we make it easy for authors to publish their memoirs on their own terms. We are a professional publishing company which specialises in memoirs and autobiographies. We tailor our service to your exact needs to turn your memoirs or autobiography into a high-quality published book. You can either share a handful of copies with your nearest and dearest or publish your work for sale all over the world. 

Join our list of illustrious authors including Lady Rose Luce, Rose's Ramblings, Sir Harold Atcherley, Prisoner of Japan,

Sir Bert Massie, A Life Without Limits, Lord SheikAn Indian in the House, Sir Hyde GowanThe Diary of Sir Hyde Gowan  and many more. 

20 years of publishing experience

We have decades of experience in the publishing industry which we can bring to bear on your memoirs or autobiography and help you create a work of real quality. We take care of everything from bespoke cover design to printing your book in 5 x 8 paperback format, or a variety of sizes for those seeking a more bespoke package. We can even integrate your personal photos into your memoirs to help bring your prose to life.

Editing services to bring out the best in your work

Like any publisher, we work collaboratively with you to bring out the best in your work. That’s why all of our books are checked and edited to a high standard by an experienced publishing industry professional. We’re here to make your work shine and render your life’s story in vivid detail-weaving your memories into an intriguing literary tapestry. 

Solutions to suit all needs and budgets

We appreciate that every book, and every author is unique. Some will have their sights set on sharing their autobiographies with a worldwide market, while others wish only to give copies to a select few. But no matter how many people will read your work, we will apply the same rigour, attention to detail and passion for quality. 


We can even ghostwrite your book on your behalf using interviews, notes and primary sources like letters and correspondence. There are lots of reasons why people wish to publish their memoirs. Whatever yours are, we aim to provide the best possible service to meet your exact needs. 


You have complete control over the content and design of your book. We will always strive to deliver a finished product that is true to your vision while also benefiting from our decades of publishing experience. 

So, if you were ever wondering “Can I publish my autobiography?”, yes you can. Yes, you should. 


And what better time than now? 

See more about writing and publishing your memoirs at our MemoirsBooksBlog


Click Here to learn more about our flexible memoir publishing service. Telephone 02032 868686

You’ve spent years diligently working away at committing your life’s story to the page. And over time you’ve come to realise that your prose is too good to keep to yourself. Especially as more and more voluntary proof-readers began to sing your praises. Whether you want to share your story with beloved friends and family or bring your memoirs to the global market we’re here to make your dream of publishing your memoirs a reality.

Your story is fascinating. We think it’s

time you shared it with the world.

Memoirs Books Authors

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